Fresh Lens Podcast
We read books and discuss ideas that help us see the world differently. Hosted by Trish and Hirad, who met at a Vancouver-based book club, focused on reading on topics of evolution and human behaviour. Music for this podcast is courtesy of purple-planet.com.
Fresh Lens Podcast
Episode 2 – The Extended Phenotype
Hirad Motamed & Patricia Veinott
Several years after the best-selling book, The Selfish Gene, which was the topic of our first episode, Richard Dawkins published The Extended Phenotype. In this book, Dawkins doubled down on the concept the gene as the central unit of selection and outlined how genes can have effects that reach far outside of the bodies in which they ride, sparking heated debate within the world of biology.
Get the book on Amazon.
If you have feedback on how we can make the show better, please reach out to us. Our email address is hello@freshlenspodcast.com.
Thanks for listening,
Trish & Hirad